PSC-8724 3U VITA 62 Low Power High Efficiency with Integrated Hold-up

20W to 190W low power, high efficiency 28V DC/DC power supply with MIL-STD-704 Hold-up of 50 msec integrated for 135W load. Available in Standard VPX and SOSA VPX versions.


Dawn PSC-8724 3U VITA 62 Low Power High Efficiency with Integrated Hold-up Power Supply. 20W to 190W low power, high efficiency 28V DC/DC power supply with MIL-STD-704 Hold-up of 50 msec integrated for 135W load. Available in Standard VPX and SOSA VPX versions.

Dawn PSC-8724 (Standard VPX version) offers following output currents:
+5V @ 20A.
+3.3V @ 4A (& 3.3V_Aux).
(Note: Total wattage from +5V & +3.3V outputs not to exceed 100W).
+12V @ 6A.
-12V_Aux @ 3A.
+12V_Aux @ 3A.
(Note: Total wattage from +12V & +12V_Aux outputs not to exceed 72W.)

Dawn PSC-8724 (SOSA VPX version) offers following output currents:
+12V @ 10A (VS3).
+3.3V @ 4A (& 3.3V_Aux).
(Note: Total wattage from +12V (VS3) & +3.3V outputs not to exceed 120W.)
+12V @ 6A (VS1).
-12V_Aux @ 3A.
+12V_Aux @ 3A.
(Note: Total wattage from +12V & +12V_Aux outputs not to exceed 72W.)
(Note: Total wattage from -12V_Aux outputs not to exceed 36W.)

Ordering Information: Contact Dawn for P/N.